Raising concerns about implications of transferring stealth jets to United Arab Emirates, Sen. Menendez and Feinstein introduce bill requiring congressional oversight on deal

The ex-envoy maintains the last 4 years were an unequivocal success, thanks to the White House's 'inexperienced' crew, which smashed precedent and forged a new path

Schumer, together with Ben Cardin and Robert Mendez, usually at forefront of pro-Israel legislation, say they feel 'compelled to express opposition' to planned Netanyahu move

US president says initial outlook after Iranian strikes on Iraqi bases housing US troops was, 'So far, so good!'

Democrats call to declassify president's notification to Congress of reasons for assassination; Tehran, for its part, has vowed 'bodies of Americans' throughout the region

Non-binding decision, sure to anger Turkey, comes following Congress's recognition in September and three failed Senate attempts in which the White House objected

Senior administration official pushes back against criticism that troop pullout will embolden adversaries, says no change in policy on Iran

On 25th anniversary, bipartisan group calls for US to recommit to investigation on AMIA attack long blamed on Iran but whose perpetrators haven't been caught

Robert Menendez, top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, warns Secretary of State Pompeo that reported transfer of US-made missiles to rebels is 'serious violation'

Maneuver demonstrates mounting anger in Congress over Trump administration's close ties to Riyadh, despite kingdom's handling of Yemen civil war and role in Khashoggi's murder
