Ron Dermer says US president-elect has 'a deep emotional commitment' to Israel, claims Netanyahu's speech to Congress against nuke deal accelerated Israel-Arab ties

Pro-Israel lobby cites recent normalization agreement between Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi, along with US assurances that weapons sale won't harm Jewish state's regional military edge

Envoy to US confident arms deal won't harm Israel's regional military edge, says he is more concerned about Biden's plan to reenter Iran deal

Chris Coons, seen as potential Biden pick for secretary of state, says Washington must demand limits on Tehran's ballistic missiles and proxy groups

The president-elect has said he will 'rejoin' the 2015 nuclear deal. He has also stressed his 'steadfast support for Israel's security'. That's a contradiction

Call comes after Israel, Saudis called on new administration not to return to 2015 agreement, which US president-elect promised to do during his campaign

Ron Dermer appears to be first Israeli official to speak out publicly against president-elect's plans to renegotiate a 'longer, stronger' accord

Ron Dermer, ahead of his departure, says highlight of 7-year tenure in Washington was PM's Congressional address bashing Obama-brokered Iran deal

Prime minister said to have traveled to Abu Dhabi for talks with de facto ruler of the Emirates the same year he went to Oman

Outgoing minister to take over as envoy in Washington after next US president is installed, says he will face the challenges of Iran as well as old and new anti-Semitism
