Conference of Presidents expresses 'reservations' at denial of entry to Dem. lawmakers Tlaib and Omar, worries about impact on bipartisan support

Ron Dermer, who had earlier said Israel would allow in Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, echoes government reasoning for barring pair; claims no basis for questioning Israel's openness

US president admits he discussed planned visit by Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar with unnamed Israeli in recent days, but says he did not encourage Jerusalem to ban them

Israel's DC envoy initially said Tlaib, Omar were free to visit. But less than 2 hours after US president wrote that letting them in 'would show great weakness,' everything changed

Democratic lawmakers will be turned back due to 'suspected provocations and promotion of BDS,' unconfirmed TV report says

Netanyahu discusses thorny issue with AG, top ministers; final decision on the US Congress members lies with interior minister, who has been adamant about banning BDS backers

In rare comment on country's future leadership, Israel's longest-serving PM said to list just two candidates, neither from Likud

During secret meeting of National Security Council, senior officials agree to allow congresswomen onto holy site, but not accompanied by PA officials

US president reportedly says that if pro-BDS congresswomen want to boycott Israel, 'then Israel should boycott them'; White House calls report 'fake news'

Report painted interdenominational group of American rabbis as attempt by Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer to work around Conservative and Reform leaders at odds with Jerusalem
