Morawiecki says Red Army failed to take opportunity to liberate Auschwitz in 1944; Polish president says won't meet Katz until he apologizes for 'suckling anti-Semitism' comments

Yaffa Issachar, back from Moscow where she worked to secure release of daughter Naama, calls on supporters to show respect for Russian president when he visits Jerusalem this week

After Putin claimed Poland bears responsibility for war's outbreak and days before Auschwitz liberation anniversary, Warsaw says that brought 'decades of communist oppression'

Russia's defense ministry accuses Armia Krayova of 'destroying Jews' in Warsaw amid feud with Poland over war's history

Amid dispute with Putin over World War II history, Andrzej Duda says he won't go to major forum because Russian leader will give address while his request to speak has been denied

Against backdrop of argument with Russia over World War II, Andrzej Duda says he won't attend Auschwitz commemoration if Putin is allowed to address the event but he isn't

Diplomats join US ambassador in citing historical consensus that Hitler-Stalin pact and invasion of Poland sparked war

Georgette Mosbacher rebuffs Putin's argument that Warsaw colluded with West and Hitler to start war, which was sparked by Nazi Germany and Soviet Union

Russia's president says that pre-war Polish ambassador applauded Nazi leader for his anti-Semitic rhetoric, drawing Warsaw's ire

Lashing Poland's envoy to Nazi Germany in 1939 as a 'bastard, anti-Semitic pig,' Russian leader slams East European states that equate Soviet occupation with Nazi crimes
