Caught off guard by impeachment inquiry, Trump and his team are turning to old tactics in their response to explosive whistleblower complaint

Jerry Nadler's judiciary body issues a dozen new summons in bid to examine Russian interference into 2016 election and other scandals

More than 200 of the accounts originating in Iran 'directly engaged with discussions related to Israel,' social network says

President says he would be under no obligation to report such an offer to FBI; 'There's nothing wrong with listening,' he says

Speaking to reporters, US president appears to walk back tweet of admission of Moscow's 2016 tampering, says Kremlin 'didn't help him at all'

Trump's son-in-law says probe into alleged Russia collusion did more harm to American democracy than a 'few Facebook ads'

The redacted report said that there was no collusion but did document Russia's efforts to meddle in the presidential vote; Moscow says 'no evidence substantiated by any facts'

Kushner receives an unusual gift from a Russian banker; there's an attempt to influence a UN resolution on Israel; and did George Papadopoulos act as an Israeli agent?

US president sought get prosecutor removed from post over alleged conflicts of interest, called his appointment 'the end of my presidency'

William Barr says that while Trump was 'frustrated and angered' about the probe, nothing the US president did rose to the level of an 'obstruction-of-justice offense'
