Unidentified complainant tells US authorities social media giant prioritized profits over stopping problematic content during 2016 US presidential campaign

New book interviewing Yuri Shvets and multiple other sources alleges Moscow rescued Trump's businesses with laundered funds, directly tying this to Trump's affinity to Putin

New survey by online research groups finds that anti-Jewish hatred targeting Soros, Kushner and others is key feature of Russian disinformation campaigns on social media

FBI and Homeland Security say upcoming election not under threat, but warning about hacking amplifies fears of tampering and undermining public confidence in vote

Both Tehran and Moscow obtained voter registration with the goal of interfering in election; FBI director says US will impose costs on any foreign countries interfering in vote

Group, not in American custody, targeted French election, Ukraine, Olympics; was behind 'most disruptive and destructive series of computer attacks ever attributed to single group'

While detailing eagerness of Trump associates to exploit Kremlin aid, bi-partisan investigation does not say whether there is clear evidence of collusion on behalf of the campaign

Democratic presidential hopeful tells Russians to 'stay out of American elections' as Trump pushes back against reports Putin trying to help him win

Trump confidant is on trial for allegedly lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing House probe into campaign's ties to Russia

Warning of Trump re-election, former secretary of state implies Moscow will use its 'favorite' candidate Tulsi Gabbard to divide American electorate
