US president warns there are 'hard and bitter days ahead,' but pledges that the United States and its allies will continue assisting Kyiv as war set to enter its second year

President repeats unfounded claim that his forces are fighting a 'neo-Nazi regime' in Ukraine, insists sanctions over invasion 'won't succeed,' vows to continue war

New York Times reports on Taras and Olha Melster, a young Jewish couple trying to have children who volunteered for war effort, then found themselves on the front line

Arriving in Ukraine by train, Biden's Kyiv visit marks first time in modern history that a US leader has traveled so close to a battlefront not under the control of US military

Report says those who arrived have no access to proper healthcare, struggle to find employment and rent apartments, with an increasing number facing food insecurity

Secretary of State Blinken says Beijing supplying Moscow with arms would 'cause a serious problem' with consequences

Lazar Berman on a whirlwind Kyiv visit with FM Eli Cohen and booting from African Union conference; Emanuel Fabian on overnight Syria airstrikes, and Itamar Ben Gvir vs the police

As death toll of war in Ukraine rises, ordinary civilians are facing growing repression at home as families are ripped apart by mobilization

Announcing legal determination at Munich conference, Kamala Harris says Russian forces have carried out 'gruesome acts of murder, torture, rape, and deportation'

In address to Munich Security Conference, Ukrainian president issues fresh plea for military support, says he hopes Israeli decision to hold back system only 'temporary'
