Party says agreement reached for existing and new homes up to 70 square meters in size; opposition slams arrangement, says coalition selling out for political survival
Channel 20 deletes article on the passing of Ra'am's Said al-Harumi that opened with Bible verse rejoicing in death of 'the wicked,' says writer acted without consulting
Khatib-Yasin was Israel’s first hijab-wearing lawmaker following the March 2020 election, but failed to enter the Knesset in the latest round earlier this year
Al-Harumi made history when his party became the first Arab faction to join a coalition, although he did not vote in favor to protest home demolitions in Bedouin communities
With demolitions of Bedouin homes peaking, Ra'am's Said al-Harumi hopes being part of coalition will limit such actions, and points to legalization of 8 towns as a start
Channel 13 says Said al-Harumi, who abstained on government's formation, is considering going rogue, costing coalition a crucial seat; but he might also quit Knesset altogether
Hours before swearing in of coalition, a large patrol announced demolitions in a Ra'am party stronghold, prompting an MK to abstain in the key vote. But who ordered the move?
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