A Tu B'Shvat event in San Francisco jointly celebrated by Wilderness Torah and JeWitch Collective focuses on power of fire and native knowledge
Points: -2
Kansas City team takes first NFL Championship since their triumph over the Minnesota Vikings in 1970
Points: -5
Chesa Boudin, a public defender and former translator for Venezuela strongman Chavez, wins tight race after promising series of progressive reforms
Points: 6
Days after hate speech discovered, hundreds of students came to Burlingame High School wearing red T-shirts with slogan 'unity against hate'
Khalid Siddiqi says those allegedly responsible for the former Egyptian president's death were 'working for Satan'
Points: -9
Ross Farca, a gamer who called himself ‘Adolf Hitler (((6 Million))),' seeks to overturn a restraining order prohibiting his possession of firearms
Points: -1
Pamphlet provides a reading list of books denying the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis
Points: 5
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