Renowned Jewish filmmaker, feted by organizers for reinventing cinema as a 'factory of dreams,' to be awarded Honorary Golden Bear at 2023 Berlinale in February

The French New Wave pioneer who died Tuesday long faced accusations of antisemitism, but while his opposition to Zionism was clear, his views on the Jewish people were more complex

Clothing article sported illustrations of characters from Steven Spielberg’s 1993 Holocaust drama, along with an image of a train leading into Auschwitz

Volunteering with people fleeing to Poland, Oliwia Dabrowska, now 32, says she sees echoes of her iconic character in the kids she meets; hopes she can inspire action in others

VRT removes clip from YouTube that included footage from Holocaust movie dubbed with alternative dialogue about apparent cookie shortage

Images from Holocaust film also printed on skirts, socks, T-shirts, coffee mugs, iPhone cases, shower curtains, throw pillows

Mimi Reinhardt registered employees for German industrialist's factories, helping save hundreds during Holocaust; spent her last years living in Israel

News editor Amy Spiro dives into the Whoopi Goldberg hoopla and the Winter Olympics; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman breaks down Amnesty International's recent report

Filmmaker angered Emilie Schindler with 1993 letter inviting her and her 'spouse' to 'Schindler's List' epilogue

Branko Lustig, who was imprisoned at Nazi death camps, had said 'it is a long way from Auschwitz to this stage' upon winning Oscar in 1993
