US correspondent Jacob Magid on chances of Jordan joining the Negev Forum; legal reporter Jeremy Sharon on how two right-wing camps have starkly different ideas of judicial reform

Religious Zionism's Rothman tells ToI unelected judges should not be able to overrule majority, while Justice Minister Sa'ar worries total government control will destroy judiciary

Ex-PM calls Religious Zionism chair's comments against him 'defamatory,' urges the right to 'stop friendly fire'; says Smotrich, Ben Gvir will both be ministers in his government

Kobi Shabtai said to pan Simcha Rothman's actions at Muslim cemetery as 'pure provocation'; courts have repeatedly held up activists' right to perform ritual

Activists seek to blow ram's horn at Eastern Wall of Jerusalem's Old City, where Muslim cemetery lies, but face police opposition despite court rulings upholding freedom of worship

MKs Yariv Levin, Amir Ohana and David Amsalem - long heavily critical of the Supreme Court's power - placed in the top five in the party's primary

Deputy religious services minister advocates for wide coalition, says it would be 'a grave mistake' if his party leader awarded Netanyahu the premiership

Battle for the right heats up, with nationalist party positioning itself to scoop up voters ‘who regret voting for Yamina and New Hope'

Coalition lawmakers and former justices slam 'shocking' remarks made by MK Yitzhak Pindrus of United Torah Judaism during an Independence Day panel

Leftist Meretz, Islamist Ra'am oppose, but right-wing opposition backs law; authorities did not grant residency to Palestinians who applied in the period since ban expired in July
