The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Malkiel Kotler was flown by Hatzolah Air to the Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday morning, where he will be seen by cardiac specialists. As YWN reported on Tuesday, the Rosh Yeshiva was taken to the Jersey Shore Medical Center by Lakewood Hatzolah. It was feared that he would require an emergency surgery, but doctors managed to stabilize the situation to provide some time so that a decision could be made where to treat the Rosh Yeshiva. An decision was made to fly him to Cleveland, and Lakewood Hatzolah transported him to the airport where a team from Hatzolah Air was touching down at 4:30AM ready for the emergency flight. The flight crew consisted of two specialized doctors and two Paramedics.

Chevra Hatzolah has launched a campaign to encourage the community at large to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Hatzolah has placed ads in Jewish print publications as well as online and social media, promoting the vaccine. The Medical Director of Chevra Hatzolah, Dr Shimshy Zimmerman, has now released a short, informative video encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. Watch the video below:   (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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The polls have just closed in Israel (10:00PM), and all three exit polls indicate that PM Netanyahu will have support to form a right-wing government. This includes Likud, Shas, UTJ (Degel Hatorah / Agudah), Yamina (Naftali Bennet), and the Religious Zionist party (Smotritz / Ben Gvir).

It’s been brewing for weeks already, but it seems the disaster in Orlando is growing by the minute. Thousands of Jewish families have been renting homes in Orlando for this Pesach, all looking forward to a relaxing and an enjoyable Yom Tov. But for many, it turned out to be a nightmare. According to multiple sources, more than 200 homes were “double booked”, many without the original renters knowing about it until the last minute. It seems there were a few ways that people lost their rentals. It began months ago, as thousands began placing deposits on homes for Pesach. Some homes were being rented for $6,000, and when brokers saw that there was a massive demand for homes, they began renting them to others – some for as much as $25,000.

A massive early-morning fire ripped through an assisted living facility in Spring Valley. The fire started at around 1:30AM at the “Evergreen Court For Adults” located at 65 Lafayette Street. Hatzolah and EMS dispached around 20 ambulances and treated many victims. Dozens of trapped residents were rescued by firefighters. Rockland Chaveirim was on the scene assisting as well. Dramatic video footage captured the moment part of the building collapsed. CPR was being performed by Hatzolah on one victim. Local Yeshiva school busses as well as the Rockland Chaveirim Command Center were being used to keep elderly residents warm and to transport them to other locations. One firefighter called a “mayday” but was found and treated for injuries. The cause of the fire was unknown.

A man was arrested this evening by detectives investigating an assault on a woman in Stamford Hill, in the UK. The man, aged in his late 50s, was arrested at a residential address in Haringey and is now in custody at an east London police station. Police were called shortly after 9:00PM last Thursday regarding an assault that had occurred approximately 30 minutes earlier on Manor Road in Stamford Hill. The victim, a 20-year-old woman, informed officers that she had been approached from behind by the suspect, who put a pillow case over her head before assaulting her. The woman was taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries. Enquiries are ongoing to establish a motive. At this early stage, it is not believed to be linked with any other offenses.

An active shooter was holed up inside of a supermarket in Colorado for over half an hour early Monday evening. Eyewitnesses on the scene filmed the apparent mass shooting over the course of the attack from the beginning. “Active Shooter at the King Soopers on Table Mesa,” the Boulder Police Department tweeted just before 5 p.m. EST (3 p.m. local time.) “AVOID THE AREA. PIO is en-route.” Initial reports based on police scanner chatter, which are currently unconfirmed, place the number of people dead at six and likely higher. Right around 5:30 p.m. EST, one person was taken out of the building in handcuffs. The man was shirtless, in his underwear, and his right leg was bleeding. It’s unclear if he was the suspect in the shooting or was just being detained.

Due to the difficult financial situation in the Torah world, Yeshivas Mir of Jerusalem has been delayed in paying the stipends of its avreichim, and only recently transferred the stipend for the month of Kislev. But now, the financial straits of the Mir and its avreichim – which is especially strained in the costly pre-Pesach season – has now changed thanks the incredible generosity of philanthropist Shlomo Yehudah Rechnitz, who has committed to pay the back stipends with an additional bonus for Yom Tov.

Crowds of people streamed to the Beis Medrash of HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch in Har Nof on Motzei Shabbos for a Shabbos HaGadol drasha, during which the Rav not only spoke about ‘Erev Pesach she’chul b’Shabbos,’ but addressed the incitement of Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman against the Chareidi community. “There are many difficulties awaiting us,” the Rav said. “They [Lieberman] is already not ashamed to say: ‘Throw the religious in the garbage.’ But we rely on Hadadosh Baruch Hu and we know that He’ll help us. They say we’re weak but the truth is that we’re very strong because Hakadosh Baruch Hu is with us.” HaRav Shternbuch continued, comparing Lieberman to Haman HaRasha.

The Central Elections Committee will deploy drones to monitor lines at polling stations to thwart overcrowding, Central Elections Committee head Orly Ades said last week. The committee is sending shuttles to transport virus carriers and those in quarantine to the hundreds of special polling stations being set up for them. A total of 349 polling stations are being set up for coronavirus patients and 409 stations for those in quarantine. Some of the locations where the polling stations will be established are Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem, Ramat Gan Stadium and Netanya Stadium, Shlomo Group Arena in Tel Aviv, as well as many parking lots, including the Beit Dagan Cemetery parking lot, according to a Ynet report.
