Crowds of people streamed to the Beis Medrash of HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch in Har Nof on Motzei Shabbos for a Shabbos HaGadol drasha, during which the Rav not only spoke about ‘Erev Pesach she’chul b’Shabbos,’ but addressed the incitement of Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman against the Chareidi community. “There are many difficulties awaiting us,” the Rav said. “They [Lieberman] is already not ashamed to say: ‘Throw the religious in the garbage.’ But we rely on Hadadosh Baruch Hu and we know that He’ll help us. They say we’re weak but the truth is that we’re very strong because Hakadosh Baruch Hu is with us.” HaRav Shternbuch continued, comparing Lieberman to Haman HaRasha. “When Haman saw wasn’t Mordechai isn’t bowing down to him, ‘And Haman was filled with rage’ – and he ran to get rid of all of Am Yisrael and destroy them.” “It seems puzzling -why does Haman care if there’s one Jew with a beard and payos who doesn’t bow down to him. The explanation is that Haman well knew the truth about himself – that he wasn’t a god, avodah zara. Therefore, when he met Mordechai who represented the truth, he wasn’t able to face him and therefore he wanted to obliterate him from the world.” “Likewise, also by them [Lieberman and the like], they know that their path is one of sheker but they can’t admit it. Therefore they want to throw the Chareidim in the garbage in order not to confront the truth.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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