A 6th woman has come forward and leveled allegations of harassment or inappropriate conduct against Gov Cuomo, The Times Union is reporting. The woman, reportedly a member of the Governors Executive Staff, told a supervisor in the Executive Chamber recently that the governor inappropriately touched her last year during an encounter at the governor’s mansion. Last week, Cuomo said he “now understand(s) that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it.

NYC Mayoral Candidate and current Brooklyn Boro President Eric Adams visited a Boro Park Yeshiva this week. Adams made the visit to get a first-hand look at the unnamed institution which was one of those on a “list” subject to investigation over education standards. “I was really impressed by what I saw,” Adams told the Forward on Monday night. “Watching those children understand grammar, understand English, saying they like writing and reading, it was amazing.” The 60-year-old, who has served as borough president since 2013, spent 22 years in the NYPD, helping establish 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, to improve relations between the black community and police. He then went on to be a well-known State Senator.

Ben Shapiro, the Orthodox Jewish talkshow host, surprised many in the Orthodox Jewish community on Tuesday, when he and and singer Eitan Katz both tweeted a video of them performing Katzs’ hit son “L’maancha” together. Katz was on his guitar, while Shapiro played his violin. YWN has in the past reported that the two were classmates in high school. Shaprio has previously played “Le’mancha” for his audience, and revealed that he actually played a few violin lines on his first album. Ben Shapiro (born January 15, 1984) is an American conservative political commentator, writer, and lawyer. He is the host of a podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show, that is downloaded 15 million times per month and is widely regarded as a top program for young conservative listeners.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Moshe Dovid Kish Z”L, a longtime Boro Park Hatzolah Paramedic. The Niftar, known in Hatzolah as “B-219”, suffered from an illness the past 10 years. Despite his Yesurim, he continued responding to emergencies and saving lives until he was physically unable to do so any longer. Sadly, he was Niftar on Tuesday morning. He leaves behind a wife and eight children, four of whom are unmarried, his parents, and his hundreds of grieving friends in Hatzolah. The Levaya will be held on Tuesday at Yeshiva Chasan Sofer, 1876 50th Street in Boro Park. The Kevura will be held in the Monsey Bais Hachayim, next to his brother.

Israeli health officials have been unable to identify the source of the first three cases of the New York variant found in Israel because the carriers did not fully cooperate with epidemiological investigators, Army Radio reported on Monday. Three residents of Jerusalem, members of the same family, were diagnosed with the New York coronavirus variant – the first carriers of the variant who had not been abroad or in contact with someone who had been abroad. The Shin Bet has also not been able to trace the source of the infection, the report said. Health officials are worried that the variant is silently spreading through Israel.

President Joe Biden appeared to forget the name of the Pentagon and the name of the Secretary of Defense on Monday. It happened when Biden was announcing the nominations of two female generals for promotion to four-star commands, hailing the nominees as “two outstanding and eminently qualified warriors and patriots.” “And I want to thank the sec – the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my – the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said. “I want to make sure we thank the secretary for all he’s done to try to implement what we just talked about. And for recommending these two women for promotion.” See the video below: MOMENTS AGO: Biden announces 2nd and 3rd women in the history of the U.S. military to lead combatant commands.

Republican state lawmakers announced an impeachment resolution against Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday afternoon. The resolution was announced by Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay and other members of the Assembly Republican Conference. Barclay said the Republican conference feels it’s time to move forward on impeachment in the face of multiple accusations of harassment against the governor and a federal investigation into the state’s undercounting of nursing home deaths. The resolution would have to be supported by the Democratic Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to come to a vote. If passed by the Assembly, it would then go to the State Senate.

An astonishing 80% of Israelis arriving back into the country violate quarantine, with only 1 out of 5 passengers adhering to regulations, Channel 12 News reported on Sunday evening. The report added that about 20% of Israeli travelers successfully avoid the mandatory coronavirus test at the airport. Data shows that this situation has resulted in at least 1,838 Israelis entering Israel while carrying COVID-19. The Health Ministry’s electronic tracking bracelet pilot program, which ended on Friday, was successful, with only six participants violating quarantine requirements but it cannot be continued until legislation allowing the surveillance program is passed.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Health Minister Yuli Edelstein were present on Monday morning as the fifth millionth Israeli citizen was vaccinated. Janet Lavi-Azulay, a 34-year-old pregnant woman from Petach Tikvah, was the fifth millionth Israeli to be vaccinated. She was asked by Kan News if she’s nervous about getting vaccinated while pregnant and she responded: “The risk of the coronavirus is much greater – that’s for sure.” “We’re working on bringing in tens of millions more vaccines,” Netanyahu said at the event. “Soon we’ll have vaccines approved for children under the age of 16 and we also still have another million Israelis over the age of 16 to be vaccinated. Our estimate is that we’ll vaccinate everyone by April and we’ll emerge from the pandemic.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday disposed of the last of three cases brought to the justices by former President Donald Trump challenging his election loss, bringing a muted end to his quest in the courts to hold onto power. The court without comment rejected Trump’s appeal challenging thousands of absentee ballots filed in Wisconsin, an election battleground that the Republican businessman-turned-politician lost to Democrat Joe Biden by more than 20,000 votes. Biden became president on Jan. 20. It was the last of three petitions filed at the Supreme Court near the end of Trump’s presidency that the justices declined to take up. The court on Feb.
