Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: Karl Rove has been losing for years, except for himself. He’s a RINO of the highest order, who came to the Oval Office lobbying for 5G for him and a group. After a lengthy discussion with Rove and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, I said no, they’re not qualified. Our Nation can do much better! On Election Evening, Nov. 3rd, at 10:30pm, Rove called to congratulate me on “a great win.” I said thank you Karl, only to watch the rigged election take its final form. Karl Rove’s voice on Fox is always negative for those who know how to win. He certainly hasn’t helped Fox in the ratings department, has he? Never had much of a feeling for Karl, in that I disagreed with so many of the things he says.

The NYPD on Thursday announced that for the month of February, New York City saw continued reductions in almost every major index crime category. The overall index crime fell 26.5 percent compared with February 2020, according to the NYPD. There was a 40.4 percent decrease in grand larceny and a 32.7 percent decrease in robbery. There was also one less murder in February 2021 compared to the previous year, while felonious assault saw a 7.9 percent reduction compared to February 2020. Shooting incidents however, increased to 77 v. 44 in February 2020.

Israel’s death rate rose by about 10% in 2020, according to a report published on Monday. The report by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies stated that “although this is a significant increase, it is lower than the increase in other countries,” and lower than could have been predicted to result from the pandemic on the Israeli population. At the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic hit Israel, Israel’s death rate was at a record-low level, the report said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed what he called an “outrageous” joke made recently by “Saturday Night Live” star Michael Che that many deemed “anti-Semitic.” Netanyahu told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday that he thought the joke related to Israel’s coronavirus vaccine rollout was “so false.” “Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population. I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half,” Che said last month on the show’s “Weekend Update” segment. “That’s outrageous,” Netanyahu said on Thursday, speaking from Jerusalem. “In fact, I brought vaccines and went especially to the Arab communities, the Arab citizens of Israel and vaccinated as many as we can,” he added.

Besieged by harassment allegations, a somber New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo apologized Wednesday, saying he “learned an important lesson” about his own behavior around women, but he said he intended to remain in office. “I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable,” Cuomo said at a Wednesday press conference. “It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it.” Cuomo said he will “fully cooperate” with the state attorney general’s investigation into sexual harassment allegations. Attorney General Letitia James is in the process of selecting an outside law firm to conduct an investigation into the allegations and produce a report that will be made publicly.

Israeli authorities said Wednesday that a Libyan-owned tanker suspected of smuggling oil from Iran to Syria was responsible for spilling tons of crude into the eastern Mediterranean last month, causing one of Israel’s worst environmental disasters. Over 90% of Israel’s 195 kilometer (120-mile) Mediterranean coastline was covered in more than 1,000 tons of black tar, the result of the mysterious oil spill in international waters. The ecological disaster, one of the worst in the country’s history, has caused extensive damage and forced the closure of beaches and a ban on the sale of seafood from the Mediterranean.

Israel will experience a surge in virus infections this month as the economy is reopened but will likely see less serious cases, according to Prof. Eran Segal, who developed Weizmann Institute’s prediction model for the spread of COVID in Israel. “Already in January, we said that March will see a rise in infections, but due to the vaccines, we will see less serious patients,” Segal told Ynet. Segal noted that a report by the Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center that stated that the vaccines are 88% effective in decreasing the virus spread was based on data recorded while mask-wearing and social distancing are mandated by the government. “If we will see any serious change in the public’s adherence to restrictions, we risk losing this effectiveness,” he warned.

In the next shocking abuse of power by an airline, a family has been banned from flying three weeks after their flight. A family member tells YWN that they flew from a NY area airport to Florida in mid-January in a noneventful flight. The mom, dad, and their five children were masked as required by law, and had no altercation with any of the flight crew. They never left their seats, and sat in their assigned seats the entire flight. Not a word was said to the family about any mask issue or any other issues during the entire duration of the flight. Shockingly, three weeks after their flight, the mother and father received two certified letters via FedEx stating that they since they were not in compliance with the mask mandate, they were now banned from using the airline.

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled on Monday that people converted by the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel will be recognized as Jewish and can become Israeli citizens through the Law of Return. The ruling comes after a 15-year legal battle following petitions to the Supreme Court in 2005 demanding that Israeli citizenship be granted to 12 residents who converted through the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel. The Supreme Court ruled in 1988 that non-Orthodox conversions performed outside of Israel are recognized but did not recognize non-Orthodox conversions performed in Israel. Israel’s Chief Rabbis and religous politicians slammed the court’s decision and promised that the ruling will be overturned. The Likud party also condemned the ruling.

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a 22-year-old man has been indicted for assault, reckless endangerment and other charges for allegedly causing a car crash that seriously injured a Brooklyn mother of six. A dashboard camera captured the driver allegedly running a red light at a Bedford-Stuyvesant intersection and colliding with a livery cab that carried the 32-year-old victim. District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This defendant chose to drive his car in a highly dangerous and reckless manner, allegedly speeding and ignoring a traffic light, and caused a devastating crash that nearly killed a beloved mother. We believe this was not an aberration – videos he allegedly posted online show him driving the same vehicle in an extremely reckless fashion.
