If anyone has any questions who the “United Nations Palestine Rights Committee” actually is, their latest move should explain things. The page recently changed their cover photo, to show two men dressed as Orthodox Jews. These are two of the individuals who repeatedly kissed former Iranian President Ahmadinejad on numerous occasions, as he openly stated how he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. In fact Mr. Yisroel Dovid [Achmed] Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism. They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.

A protest in Detroit against “systemic racism and police brutality” turned violent on Sunday night as a police SUV plowed through a group of protesters, striking multiple people and sending a couple demonstrators who had climbed on the hood flying from the vehicle. Police accelerated the vehicle multiple times as dozens of protesters surrounded the SUV, according to videos of the incident posted to social media. After each acceleration, protesters could be heard shrieking in shock, pleading for the driver to stop putting their foot on the gas while people were in front of the vehicle and being thrown from the hood of the car. “Detroit Police Department just ran straight through a bunch of our protesters,” Ethan Ketner, a protester who filmed the scene, wrote on Facebook.

POLL: 38% Of Voters Think Biden Has Dementia (Source: Rasmussen)
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There have been 112 victims in 83 shootings over a nine-day period ending Saturday, according to police. Most of those shot were expected to survive, but at least six people have died in the past week and others suffered serious or critical injuries. Amid calls to defund the police ahead of the June 30 deadline for the city budget, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said last week that the city’s homicide rate had hit a 5-year high and that the criminal justice system was “imploding.” The number of people shot has risen 42 percent compared to last year. The NYPD on Sunday released this info detailing the nine-day stretch of shootings. Friday, 6/19 – 8 shooting incidents with 9 victims. Saturday, 6/20 -18 shooting incidents with 24 victims. Sunday, 6/21 – 2 shooting incidents with 5 victims.

A three-week-old infant, born to a Charedi family in Haifa, was brought to the Bnei Zion medical center in Haifa in serious condition. It is believed that the infant contracted the Herpes virus during his Bris Milah. The infection caused serious contamination in the young boy’s brain that caused seizures. Lab results showed that the infant was suffering from herpes. Head of the Pediatrics Department in Bnei Zion, Professor Yitzchak Serugo said: “The infant has been hospitalized in serious condition. It appears that he has a brain infection that is causing prolonged seizures and a serious infection of his skin.” The baby was rushed to the hospital by his parents who noticed the infection a number of days after his bris.

The head of the Israel Society for Infectious Diseases wrote an urgent letter to Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Chezy Levy on Sunday warning him that Israel is on the verge of losing control over the coronavirus. “In the past two weeks, there has been a rise in the number of daily coronavirus cases as well [as a rise in] the age of those infected and hospitalized,” wrote Miri Weinberger, head of the Israel Society for Infectious Diseases. “The coronavirus wards have re-opened in many hospitals and are already filled with patients in moderate and serious condition and even with ventilated patients.

President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted approvingly of a video showing one of his supporters chanting “white power,” a racist slogan associated with white supremacists. He later deleted the tweet and the White House said the president had not heard “the one statement” on the video. The video appeared to have been taken at The Villages, a Florida retirement community, and showed dueling demonstrations between Trump supporters and opponents. “Thank you to the great people of The Villages,” Trump tweeted. Moments into the video clip he shared, a man driving a golf cart displaying pro-Trump signs and flags shouts ’white power.” The video also shows anti-Trump protesters shouting “Nazi,” “racist,” and profanities at the Trump backers.

A rare instance of chalitzah being carried out was videoed in Tehran, where the Beis Din, under the leadership of Harav Yehudah Grami, arranged the ceremony for a young woman whose husband died without leaving any children. Rav Grami, together with his talmidim, who served as the members of the Beis Din, presided over the ceremony, which was necessary to free the woman’s brother-in-law from his obligation to marry her (the mitzvah of yibum) since his brother left no children to perpetuate his name. Since the mitzvah of yibum is not commonly practiced today, the chalitzah ceremony is held instead. The almanah removes a special leather sandal with long straps from the foot of her late’s husband’s brother.

A child was pulled from a pond in the Catskills on Sunday morning. Catskills Hatzolah was on the scene at 9:40AM at Maywood Bungalow Colony on Blanchard Road, where a two-year-old child had been pulled from a small pond. A chopper was requested to airlift the child to a hospital, but due to bad weather in the area, it was unable to fly. The child was transported to Harris Hospital in stable condition, and is expected to be transferred to Westchester Hospital for further observation. STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Mrs Esther Deutsch, the 4th victim of the horrific crash in New Square two weeks ago. She leaves behind 8 children. The crash took the lives of her husband, Reb Aryeh Shmuel Deutsch Z”L her daughter, Tziporah Deutsch (20) A”H and her son-in-law Reb Shlomo Birnhak Z”L. The accident occurred on Monday June 15th, when the family was heading to a Chasunah in New York, when their van left the roadway and and slammed into a tree. Several of the occupants had to be extricated by members of the Hillcrest and New City Fire Departments. All of the occupants were transported to either Nyack Hospital or Westchester Medical Center by Hatzolah and Spring Hill Ambulance.
