In congestive heart failure study with recovered patients who used HearO, its technology predicts some 82% of relapses, catching them on average 18 days before they occur

RE-Refurbished Smartphones Revolution provides a one-stop shop to reduce e-waste, production energy, natural resource depletion and mining-related damage

New HOT reality series 'Bnot Brak' debuts Sunday, spotlighting the lives of five ultra-Orthodox women who embrace social media and are eager to show the diversity of Haredi life

New rules, slated to take effect by fall 2024, will require the use of the USB Type-C cable for small and medium-sized rechargeable, portable electronic devices

Yoaz Hendel's directive will allow users to transfer distinctive 'kosher' phone numbers to other non-restricted providers, essentially ending contentious ultra-Orthodox monopoly

Importer sees nearly 200% increase in sale of 'dumb' devices following claims police spied on citizens; finance minister flaunts his own simple phone on Twitter

But Jaroslaw Kaczynski denies Pegasus was used to target his political opponents; 'It would be bad if the Polish services did not have this type of tool,' he says

Although investigators have not determined who ordered hacks, victims all blame Poland’s right-wing ruling party, Law and Justice

'Pegasus is a tool of dictators,' says researcher from watchdog about Israeli software, adding that more cases are expected; warns it shows 'authoritarian slide' in Poland

Tel Aviv University research finds key interactions with child are reduced to a quarter when mom is distracted by phone or reading magazines; same likely true of fathers
