Sailors recover 1,745 kg of hashish, 500 kg of meth and 30 kg of heroin, valued at $14.7 million, after crew apparently set fire to their stash onboard traditional sailing vessel

Soldiers sent to scene after surveillance identified the suspects trying to cross; authorities say illegal substances worth some $650,000

In latest bust Saturday, 41 bags of an unnamed drug and one package of ammo seized worth hundreds of thousands of shekels

Drugs seized with a value of tens of millions of shekels; troops fired into the air but no arrests made

Expanded rules of engagement meant to help military crackdown on gun thefts from military bases, cross-border drug deals

More than 300 kilograms of of marijuana flowers and hashish seized; no arrests made

IDF troops arrest Palestinian suspect, seize 8 shotguns, 3 Kalashnikov assault rifles, 2 pistols and a M-16 carbine

2 pistols and 9kg of hashish worth $110,000 seized near northern border, believed to have been brought into Israel from Lebanon

Military cracks down on marijuana smuggling, but core economic issues pushing Bedouin Israelis to crime remain and campaign seems to have little effect on overall drug trade

As he leaves Caracal, Lt. Col. Erez Shabtay hails performance of mixed-gender units over same-sex ones, says his troops cut smuggling on Egyptian border by 80%
