New project by Israel Space Agency hopes to position country as 'one of the world’s leaders in the space industry'

Legumes will be delivered in a mini-greenhouse to the International Space Station to check if they can grow in a zero-gravity environment

Michael Kaplan, who shepherded the telescope through its planning stages before temporarily living in Israel, talks baby galaxies, space robots, the pitfalls of Israeli bravado

Editor David Horovitz breaks down current coronavirus politics, while analyst Haviv Rettig Gur shines light on an in-depth interview with an American-Israeli former NASA engineer

Joint SpaceIL and IAI venture will comprise orbiter and 2 landers; science minister says Emirates one of 7 countries interested in partnering on project

From Waze to cancer-busting nano-ghost cells and 3-D printed hearts, The Times of Israel takes a dive into tech that helps us get where we're going and keeps us safe and healthy

Firefly Aerospace, Inc signs intellectual agreement with Israel Aerospace Industries to build for-profit, rapid and affordable lunar missions based on the Israeli effort

Despite crash landing of Beresheet in April, organization behind project says repeat of mission 'isn’t challenging enough' and eyes more ambitious goals

Saying the holy book was the source of Israel's 'initiative, determination and daring,' Netanyahu promises to press ahead with a second attempt

While being honored at Independence Day ceremony, billionaire philanthropist goes off script to announce he will again contribute to lunar mission
