Petition from Movement for Quality Government claims 'grave concern' that Justice Minister Ohana appointed Orly Ginsberg Ben-Ari to target law enforcement on behalf of Netanyahu

Movement for Quality Government says there is 'grave concern' that justice minister Ohana appointed Orly Ginsberg Ben-Ari to target law enforcement system on behalf of Netanyahu

Move to name deputy Orly Ginsberg Ben-Ari as top prosecutor extremely unreasonable for transition government, Mandelblit argues, putting kibosh on posting

Setting up potential clash, Amir Ohana picks Central District deputy prosecutor Orly Ginsberg Ben-Ari as temporary replacement for Shai Nitzan, whose term ended Monday

After commissioner demands he be consulted about appointment, Amir Ohana claims that he got all the say he will be getting on decision of who will replace Shai Nitzan

Shai Nitzan, painted by Netanyahu and his loyalists as a leftist bent on ousting the premier, lambastes efforts 'to undermine public trust,' calls claims of a 'coup' ridiculous

Amir Ohana stresses that by law he should make the selection; Avichai Mandelblit said set on having final say on candidate

Appointment of Shai Nitzan's replacement expected to face hurdles and disagreement within Justice Ministry, amid attacks by politicians on judiciary
