Torah scholar, teacher, father, respected community member… These are the many things that Rabbi Amram Levi* is known for. In a shocking turn of events, however, he may be taking on a new role: Prisoner.
According to a chilling letter from Rabbi Moshe Brandsdorfer, Levi has been framed for a crime which he did not commit. The courts have given him two choices: Pay one million shekels, or go to prison.
The Levi family is extremely worried that the conditions in prison could kill their father, a fragile older man. The price on his head, however, is far above what they could possibly afford.

A chilling story has captured the hearts and minds of readers around this world, after a respected rabbi & Torah scholar has been given a terrifying ultimatum: Pay one million shekels, or go to prison.
The Rabbi was reportedly asked by police to give over names of peers who were implicated in a crime. The Torah scholar’s understanding of the halacha was that he could not say the names that the police wanted to hear. And so, as punishment, he is now being threatened with imprisonment.

Being 8 years old is never easy. Being an 8 year old with cancer is even harder. And being an 8 year old with cancer with nowhere to live? That’s just Bentzi Kaminetzky*.
Ever since Bentzi was diagnosed with leukemia 2 years ago, his parents have put everything they could into him getting better. Bentzi’s mother, Esther, works as a school teacher. His father as a repairman. Bit by bit, they watched cancer eat their savings. Another cab to the hospital. Another missed day of work to go to chemo. Another medical bill on the kitchen table, unpaid.
Now, a painful situation has taken a somehow even more painful turn: The Kaminetskys are being evicted from their home. The 7 Kaminetsky children and their brother with leukemia are about to become homeless.

Never in her wildest dreams did Tamar Edelman* think that she would end up on the front page headlines of almost every Jewish website…
Yet after a strange twist of events, that’s exactly what happened.
The story begins fifteen years ago, when Tamar tragically became an orphan at the age of only seven years old. After growing up in an orphanage, Tamar knew that shidduchim wouldn’t be simple, and when she was pleasantly surprised when she was suggested to a boy from a remarkable family. When she finally did met Eli, she saw that he was a byproduct of sterling chinuch. And when he asked him to marry her a month later, with absolute clarity, she said yes.

Word of Ukrainian Jewry stranded and on the run while their homes burned sent waves of panic and trepidation on the international news landscape. Accounts of the horror went viral; of the wealthy turned destitute, of families torn apart, of children frightened and hungry. An acute aching filled the collective Jewish heart as the stories poured in. Funds were raised. Organizations, as well as heroic individuals, threw themselves into rescuing Yidden, softening the blows, and making a priority of saving their Yiddishkeit.

But the initial urgency has since collected dust, faded to an already forgotten tragedy, relegated to the back of our minds.

News of a father-of-twelve made waves this week after Rav Asher Weiss Shlita publicized a powerful appeal on his behalf, describing a talmid chochom and Torah teacher who is profoundly struggling about to marry off his third child in the span of only six months. 

The lives of a well-respected Talmid Chochom’s family from Eretz Yisroel were thrown into chaos when in the span of only six months, they married off two children and are about to marry off a third. Although marrying off children is a wonderful bracha, making so many simchas in such a short span of time is financially dangerous, no matter how simple the wedding may be. 

“24 Iyar 5782
I have come with a request from the depths of my heart to our brothers Bnei Yisroel who are merciful and do kindness: Come to the aid of a special person, a great talmid chacham who teaches Torah. He is a very modest person and now has to marry off his son but he is unable to pay even the most basic expenses, as he just married off his previous children. The kallah is also an orphan and her family is not able to help at all. 

