Klal Yisroel, if this story doesn’t break your heart, what will?
After suffering the unimaginable trauma of being abandoned by their own mother r’’l, five children in Eretz Yisroel lost their father Yosef Yitzchok Rosen* after he passed away from a terrible illness. His children Yechiel, Batsheva, Dovid, Nechama, and Tzina have become homeless, destitute orphans overnight.
Who will take care of them? Who will feed and clothe them? Who will hug them, and reassure them, and tuck them in at night with a kiss on the forehead?
They lost everything. They are scared and alone. They are too young for this.

Dear brothers and sisters,

My name is Esti and with Hashem’s help I will be getting married very soon!

My happiness is not complete because I have no way to pay for anything!

I do not have any relatives or friends who can help me pay for my wedding.

I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund.

You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzva of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes.

When Mordechai Freuchter was dragged out of his home by police and thrown into prison, he was a young and energetic father of 5. Mordechai, who maintains his innocence, assumed he would return home soon. Shockingly, he has sat in prison for 6 months, and still has not been given a trial.
The man he is today is unrecognizable.
Mordechai is now wheelchair-bound, having suffered a stroke from stress. Half of his body sags, drool drips from his limp mouth, and tears well in his vacant, distracted eyes. Despite his illness he receives little sympathy: Prison is a cruel place.

Five Israeli children have become orphans overnight after their father Yitzchok Yosef Rosen passed away after battling a deadly disease. The children had suffered unimaginably several years prior when they were abandoned by their very own mother, and now that their father is completely gone from this world, they are shattered beyond words.
“They are heartbroken,” shared R’ Yaakov Zilberman after meeting personally with the children.

Readers around the world were disturbed last week to learn the story of Mordechai Freuchter, a young father of 5 who has been, according to his family and several rabbanim, falsely imprisoned. Freuchter has endured severe stress and been harassed by other prison mates due to his religious observance.
The family has now publicly announced that Mordechai has now suffered a stroke, and is wheelchair-bound. Shockingly, the prison will not allow him to be released in order to receive an MRI. They are powerless to hire a lawyer to fight the battle to allow him out for treatment, as they cannot afford the fees. The trial has been postponed for months for the same reason.

Prison is no place for a frum Jew.
It’s 6am and the bright lights turn on to wake up the inmates. Mordechai Freuchter* awakes and whispers “modeh ani” quietly,  terrified to begin another day.
Freuchter was wrongly accused of a crime months ago, and has since been awaiting his trial in jail. The trial is delayed because his family does not have the money they need for legal fees. Several prominent rabbis have vouched for Mordechai’s innocence, and expressed their horror that he remains in jail.
The young father of 5 walks down the prison hallway on the way to the cafeteria and a fellow inmate knocks his yarmulke off of his head. The inmates in the hallway laugh, taunting him.

Neighbors in an Israeli town looked on in shock and horror not long ago, and police dragged a young religious father out of his home, and drove him away to jail. The man in question, as well as several rabbis, maintain that he has been falsely accused. His wife and five children were left behind in a state of shock and horror.

When people hear that three of Shoshana and Dovid Stein’s four children are severely handicapped, they are always surprised.
“I would have never known!” they exclaim, wide-eyed and jaws open. “They’re just so…light, and always so happy.”
“My children give me the drive I need to keep going,” Shoshana told me with a wise glimmer in her eyes as she and I sipped on steaming glasses of mint tea on her Israeli porch last week.
“It is a zechus to be the parents of such special neshamas.”
I can see the wrinkles under the outer corners of her eyes and mouth, evidential proof of years of strength during the ups and the downs of this ride we call life.

A six-year-old boy has been publicly praised by the media after more hair-raising details from the terror attack in Elad last week have come to light.
“He is a hero,” explained the boy’s uncle to Israeli news interviewers.
“He didn’t just stand there. He left his father and went to the security guards and told them, ‘My father is dead, there are terrorists.’ He is a hero, and his father is a hero.”
According to family members, after seeing his father Yonatan Chavakuk stabbed in the chest, 6-year-old Yosef ran to security guards to alert them of the terrorists and their brutal attack. 
Now that he has had a couple days to process the horrors of that night, the young boy is very shaken.

Lior Chabakuk, widow of one of the victims killed in the Elad attack, choked back tears as she spoke to news reporters’ microphones last week.
“Yonatan decided he was going to fight. He wanted to take the ax from their hands,” she told Y-Net News. It has been widely reported that it is due to Yonatan’s heroic struggle with the terrorists that many were able to escape.
