“Who would want to marry a girl like that?”
Insensitive comments like these – and worse – become commonplace for young women like Chaya Sofer. In many ways, she is a shadchan’s dream: a kind, intelligent girl, personifying the utmost in tznius and good middos.
Her past, however, has betrayed her: A few years ago, Chaya lost her father. Since his passing, her mother Devorah has raised and married off her six children alone. As they acclimated to life as a single-parent household, their grief took on an unexpected side effect: poverty.
This spring, Chaya became a kallah. Her engagement was a joyous occasion, yet the simcha was tinged with sadness. The Sofer family was reminded of their father’s absence more than ever.

Surrounded at all times by speculation and curiosity, it is an exclusive few who are able to permeate the inner workings of the home life of Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Regular audience with the Rav is often limited to close family members, and learning Torah with the Rav is nearly unheard of. This makes it all the more impressive that Rav Uri Tiger, a young man, has been hand-selected to aide Rav Kanievsky in the writing of his seforim. Though such a privilege would be expected to be extended to a much older man, yet Rav Tiger, a young father of six, has helped to author seforim such as Nezer HaChaim, Derech Ish, and more.

“He always told us it would be good,” says Bentzion Stern, with tears in his eyes. It is a painful sight: a young man addresses the camera, overwhelmed with grief. This is the touching video which surfaced on the internet last month. Its background story extends to two months ago, with the untimely passing of Rosh Kollel and father of 14 Rav Hillel Shalom Stern zt”l.

The following is an op-ed piece submitted on behalf of Alexander Kochman, a rabbi and father of 6 located in Givat Ze’ev, Israel:
Like any married couple with children, my wife and I have spent countless hours reflecting upon chinuch, the ways in which we would raise our children. We never anticipated, however, that I would get sick. And we never dreamed of the impact that would have upon our household.


35 Israelis were reportedly detained in a Ukrainian airport in February, after being told that they would not be allowed to enter the country.
Heated cell phone footage showed Israelis, most of them religious, arguing with airport personnel after being kept without beds or access to kosher food for over 24 hours.

Hundreds are flying to Kirestir, Hungary to daven at the tzion of R’ Shayale Kirestir during his 94th yahrtzeit. But thousands more will be there in spirit having partnered with R’ Shayale in his legacy of chesed. Rav Lehoshia, founded by the grandchildren of R’ Shayale have been continuing to feed the hungry and poor of Eretz Yisroel.  With baby formula distributions, soup kitchens and tomchei Shabbos projects, Rav Lehoshia ensures that no yid, no matter how young or old, will go hungry.
R’ Shayale famously said, “If the maasei chesed continues, so will the yeshuos.” Donors have reported miraculous stories. From business success to shidduchim, hundreds have seen the results of partnering with R’ Shayale.



In a series of events which began as tragic but have become inspiring, Jews around the world have begun to unite to help a very special Beit Shemesh family.
The Breyers are a large, happy brood, with 8 kids at home, including one special needs daughter. Change came quickly recently, after mother Chava was diagnosed with late stage cancer. She is now bedridden, unable to perform the most basic daily tasks. Father Nosson was forced to leave his job as a sofer in order to take care of his wife and children.
