The world watched on in horror this week as Polish officials determined the fate of 50-year-old Gavriel Lavi of Bnei Brak.

Lavi has been unjustly held in Polish prison for three years without trial after his identity was allegedly stolen and used for fraud. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was involved last year in efforts to secure Lavi a trial, which only came into fruition this month.

During his absence, Gavriel’s wife Sigalit was left to raise their four children alone.

The verdict of the long-awaited trial was that Lavi would be released, on the condition that a steep $150,000 fine be paid by Monday, June 10th. If the fine is not paid, the father of 4 will remain in prison indefinitely.

A Bnei Brak man was granted trial by the Polish government this week, after waiting in prison for three years to have his case reviewed.
Avraham Gali, 50, allegedly had his identity stolen by an acquaintance in Poland, who proceeded to use his bank account information to engage in fraud. Gali was arrested and imprisoned. Wife Sigalit and his four children “assumed he would be returning soon,” as they were confident in his innocence.
The man’s case was put on the back burner for an excruciating three years.



Together in Heart and Mind, a 36-hour, triple match campaign to raise $500,000 for BINA Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance is live!
Every donation is tripled from Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. to Wednesday at 11:00 p.m. at www.charidy.com/bina.
Stroke and brain injury occur suddenly and without warning, with long term effects that can impair every area of life. Since 2003, BINA has been there, at every step, to ensure that brain injury survivors are not alone as they struggle to navigate the long and difficult road to recovery.
Life doesn’t stop after a crisis, and neither does BINA.
You can help us ensure that BINA can continue to stand at the side of every brain injury survivor.


Drop by Drop, Mikvah USA makes it happen – but we need your help. Four Mikvah projects will benefit from this campaign NOW. Today, YOU can make Taharah a viable option for these communities:
Flagstaff, Arizona
Henderson, Nevada
Mill Basin, New York
Jupiter, Florida
These are cities with active Jewish communities. They all need a mikvah.
Working together, drop by drop, these mikvaos will be built!
Help Yidden across America in their quest for increased taharah!

Some may read this as the story of Chortkov. In truth, this is the story of Klal Yisroel.
191 years ago this Shevuos, the first Chortkover Rebbe, Rabbi Duvid Moshe Friedman, was born in Galicia. His father, the Heiliker Ruzhiner, exclaimed that he was “kodshei Kodshim” and that people would consult him in the same way they would consult the Urim Vetumim. His Beis Hamedrash was a palace of Torah and kedushah to where tens of thousands of chassidim would flock.

When ger tzedek Eliyahu Richardson and his wife made Aliyah from New York in 2013, they were elated to ‘live the Eretz Yisroel dream.’ Quickly, however, they saw that life would be more complicated than expected.

Their story was written up in Mishpacha magazine, a testament to his inspiring mesiras nefesh.

Despite dressing and behaving in every way as a mainstream Torah Jew, however, Eliyahu’s African American heritage was apparent to all who saw him. He struggled to be accepted into his Jerusalem community, and, despite being an award-winning writer, he was forced into manual labor to make a living.



Preparations have begun once again for one of the largest prayer events of the year: The gathering of the gedolei yisroel at the Kever HaShla on Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
The Tefilas HaShla is traditionally said by parents, on behalf of their children. The Shla writes “the most appropriate time to recite this prayer is on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, for that is the month when Hashem gave us His Torah, and when we began to be called his children.”
