Coalition chairman MK Zohar threatens to have panel chairman opposition MK Ofer Shelah booted from his post for hounding prime minister over controversial naval vessel purchase

Movement for Quality Government wants attorney general to investigate PM's decade-old stock deal with cousin tied to Case 3000

Ya'alon vow to form committee of inquiry as PM's associates are charged in major bribery case; Labor MK says case 'casts a long shadow' over PM's rule; premier stays mum

Prosecutors said seeking indictments against former Navy chief, Thyssenkrupp agent, and others in alleged bribery scheme surrounding naval deal worth billions of shekels

Former state witness Miki Ganor reportedly contradicted PM's claim that there was a secret security reason for approving deal at center of graft probe

Miki Ganor, who represented German shipbuilder and allegedly paid off defense officials and Netanyahu associates, lost immunity from prosecution after retracting his testimony

Prosecution informs witness in scandal that his immunity agreement is off after he changes his story and exercises right to remain silent
