Red Cross survey of 16,000 young people finds most expect nuclear war in coming decade; 77% of Israelis oppose any use of atomic weapons, 82% back warfare restrictions

A global poll of 9,000 adults in 18 countries shows significant numbers believe age-old tropes about Jews, including that they seek world domination

Massive majority of over 1,200 Jewish respondents across political and religious lines see Jew-hatred as a problem in the United States

Judge Hanan Melcer lays down rules for publicizing who orders, funds polls in run-up to September elections, cautions over possibility of foreign attempts to influence vote

Newly released data from unprecedented EU survey suggests people aged 16-34 are considerably more likely to face bigotry than older Jews, much of it related to Israel

Ahead of Independence Day, JPPI index tests perceptions of what makes a 'real Israeli,' evaluates religious practice

A study released on Holocaust Remembrance Day shows 'appalling lack of knowledge' about the genocide even while Austrians overestimate their country's role in saving Jews
