Foreign minister tells Russian counterpart that while Israel recognizes Moscow’s interests in Syria, ‘we'll maintain our ability to defend ourselves’; Lavrov to visit Israel soon

Reports say alleged Israeli strikes on Thursday killed four pro-Iranian fighters; no comment from IDF

Damascus urges UN 'to take firm and immediate measures to prevent the repeated Israeli attacks,' after Hezbollah arms depots reportedly bombed

Bennett says that even with Lebanon's 'unfortunate' economic collapse, Jerusalem will retaliate; Gantz calls on international community to act to restore stability

One rocket intercepted, second projectile falls in open area, no damage or casualties reported; sirens come after reported Israeli airstrikes in northern Syria

Damascus claims to repel Israeli raids; no immediate reports of casualties or damage; IDF does not comment

War monitor claims American-led forces are retaliating with 'heavy artillery'; reported exchange of fire comes after US strikes on pro-Iranian fighters along border with Iraq

Mustafa al-Kadhemi slams raids along his country's border with Syria as a 'blatant and unacceptable violation of Iraqi sovereignty'

Three military facilities -- two in Syria and one in Iraq -- used by Iran-backed militia were hit overnight Sunday to Monday

Biden authorizes strikes on three targets used to launch drone attacks against US soldiers and bases in the Middle East
