While maintaining awareness along border, military avoided killing operatives in failed offensive by the terror group, holds off on releasing footage from it
As tense calm returns after Israeli dust-up with Hezbollah, Diab also calls for caution; Lebanese media reports intensive Israeli drone flights; IDF maintains roadblocks in north
PM, defense minister conclude security consultations following northern clash, warn Lebanon will bear full responsibility for violence; military says event may not be over
Lebanese terror group claims IDF statements on thwarted infiltration and reports of its operatives killed are Israel's attempt to generate ‘illusory and fake victories'
Hezbollah cell crossed into Israeli-controlled Mount Dov, military says, as the terror group seeks revenge over killing of its fighter in alleged Israeli strike last week
Amid tensions with Hezbollah, PM says neighboring countries will bear responsibility for assault; ministers instructed to make no comments on situation
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