Percentage is much higher than in NY or Berlin, says lobby group, recommending limit on number of days flats in certain sought-for neighborhoods can be rented out via the operator

Envoy Marek Magierowski unhurt; police arrest suspect

Israel's economic hub hopes the influx of tourists to its beaches, nightlife and ancient quarters will spark new interest, and lucrative new hosting opportunities

Pop superstar slated to take to the stage during Saturday final has not yet signed a contract for her appearance

Defying boycott calls, queen of pop vows to not be silenced and to speak out against human rights violations

Amid the threat of Palestinian rockets, calls to boycott the event, high-priced tickets, and low fan attendance... the show goes on

IDF adds flyover to Sderot and other Gaza-adjacent communities to show 'appreciation' for residents' 'strength and resilience' during recent round of fighting in the Strip

Five right-wing activists arrested after shouting racist slogans at protest outside event; small group watches live stream from Gaza

Residents on edge days after major Gaza conflagration; IDF says klaxon activated by mistake, is looking into the incident

In apparent bid to prevent panic, military says Israelis can expect to see fighter jets and other aircraft overhead
