Rabbi Pini Dunner of Young Israel North Beverly Hills presents thoughts on the meaning of Tisha B’Av at the OU community wide 17th of Tammuz gathering held at Congregation Beth Jacob in Beverly Hills.

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
The posuk says, “Al kein yomru hamoshlim, ‘Bo’u cheshbon.’”  The Gemora in Bava Basra [78b] interprets this verse homiletically as referring to hamoshlim b’yitzram, those who rule over their evil inclination.  The Medrash in Esther Rabbah teaches us, Resha-im br’shus libom – The wicked are controlled by their hearts.”  On the other hand, “Tzadikim libom b’reshusom – The righteous control their hearts.”  One rules over their yeitzer when they know how to say no to temptation, when they stop short from revealing someone’s secret, from talking about a neighbor, when they are able to avert their gaze from immodesty, when they have the conviction to avoid distraction during their prayers.

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
