Neviim and Mitzvos

Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Torah tells us in Vayikra, Perek Chof Zayin, posuk lamed daled that these are the mitzvos that Moshe commanded Bnei Yisroel on Har Sinai. The Gemara in Shabbos, daf kuf daled, amud alef and Megillah, daf bais, amud bais tells us that Chazal learn out from the above posuk that a Navi is not able to command any new mitzvos. All the mitzvos were given to Moshe Rabbeinu and anything thereafter is not one of the mitzvos. A Navi is unable to be mechadesh any new mitzvos.

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss

One of the major goals of life is to achieve many victories against the Yeitzer Hara, the Evil Inclination.  The thinking Jew knows that one of his or her greatest ambitions is to successfully incite the Yeitzer Tov, the good inclination against the Yeitzer Hara and to come out ahead.  The first step, of course, is to be aware of the battle in the first place. If we live our life on cruise control, without being cognizant of this battle royale, then we are clueless about our mission on earth.
