In visit big on photo ops and short on substance, US president welcomes 'new chapter in our relationship,' though he acknowledges disagreements with Indian leader on trade

Malaysian leader's proposal at Islamic country summit receives warm reception from Iran, Turkey and Qatar, who are currently facing a host of economic embargoes

Billionaire businessman Ronnie Chan predicts China will allow US to prevail to feed Trump's ego

Caught between the two world superpowers, Israel is wise to continue its cooperation with China

Speaking in Tel Aviv, Fischer says he is 'very, very worried'; the US-China trade war 'causes a lot of damage to the world economy'

Reuters: The American suppliers of chips to Huawei, including Qualcomm and Intel, are quietly pressing the US government to ease the ban on sales to the Chinese tech giant

Japam warns 'market confidence could be eroded' if there is no rapid resolution to the ongoing conflict between Beijing and Washington