Store owners fear their livelihood will evaporate as section of Allenby Street leading to main Carmel Market to close to traffic for construction on transportation system

Transportation Ministry says final safety authorizations granted by firms in Germany, allowing Red Line to start chugging through Israel's congested economic heart

Transportation Ministry gives steep cuts in cost of monthly passes to residents of geographic and socioeconomic peripheral areas, including Jerusalem, most Haredi and Arab towns

Initial plans submitted to National Infrastructure Committee call for 2 Jerusalem stations - one near intersection of Jaffa Road and King George Street and a second at Khan Theater

Footage showing male passengers telling her the bus is only for them, driver suggests she takes another line; operating company says it will prevent repeat of incident

Miri Regev says she will appoint confidant Moshe Ben Zaken as acting deputy director general, then try again in six months to have him made full director general

Legal officials say there's obstacle to approving appointment of Miri Regev confidant; former Levin adviser with no legal qualifications okayed as Justice Ministry director general

Likud-held Transportation Ministry officials refuse, warning of service delays if maintenance is pushed to weekdays

Construction of barrier alongside 4.6 kilometers of Route 34, some parts of Route 232 exposed to Strip to be completed by the summer

Transportation minister says she'll also cancel electric vehicle tax, push regulations to stop children being forgotten in cars: 'I didn't come here to apologize, I came to govern'
