Trump will be first US president to run for reelection after being impeached and a win is only way to salvage his reputation

Congressman Barry Loudermilk says president not given opportunity to face his accusers; Democrats note he refused opportunity to testify and declined

He becomes only third American president to be formally charged and will now go to Republican -controlled Senate for trial where he is likely to be acquitted

With Democrats poised to take historic step, Pelosi declares, 'We are here to defend democracy for the people'; Republican-controlled Senate expected to acquit Trump next year

Even before legislators opened their historic session, US president fires out more than two dozen tweets proclaiming his innocence and lambasting his opponents for 'lying'

US president lashes 'vicious crusade' against him; Democrats vow to 'defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic' ahead of expected party-line vote

In angry letter, US president tells Speaker Nancy Pelosi that 'history will judge you harshly' for using impeachment as 'illegal, partisan attempted coup'

President at his highest approval rating ever, but still far below nearly all previous presidents in modern times at same point in their administration

House will vote Wednesday on two articles, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in case against US president

Minority Leader Chuck Schumer details plans for 'fair and honest' trial to begin Jan. 7; Republicans pushing for swift proceedings but Trump may want longer trial to vindicate him
