Senate filing rejects prosecution of president as 'unlawful attempt to overturn 2016 election,' offering preview of defense as case set to go to trial at Capitol

Former Harvard professor says that though he will defend US president during Senate trial for the 'survival of the constitution,' he won't vote for Trump in November

Harvard law professor says he will present oral arguments during Senate trial; Whitewater investigator Ken Starr and ex-Florida AG Pam Bondi also part of the team

Giuliani associate says president was fully aware of efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, he 'knew exactly what was going on'

Government Accountability Office says 'the President is not vested with the power to ignore or amend' funding approved by Congress

'Today we will make history,' says Nancy Pelosi as she presents documents, 'This president will be held accountable'

US State Department won't comment on Kyiv's investigation into alleged illegal activity targeting Marie Yovanovitch

Nelly Jordan, vice chair of the Sussex County Republican Party, denies being anti-Semitic after writing Jews 'have been enrolled to come and testify' against US president

Harvard's Noah Feldman, who explained 'impeachability' to House Judiciary Committee, says Founders backed mechanism out of fear leaders would do exactly what Trump is accused of

Intelligence Committee chairman and Judiciary head, whose committee approved impeachment articles, will lead 7-member team that includes a diverse selection of lawmakers
