Political writer Tal Schneider discusses what's holding up coalition talks and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman looks at the Kremlin's welcome of Netanyahu and a UN hubbub

Estonian foreign minister doesn't explain what prompted policy change, which comes as the Baltic state looks to align more closely with US

US correspondents Jacob Magid and Luke Tress discuss midterm election results in the House and New York, along with American reactions to Ben Gvir and a tiff at the UN

'We're teaming up with Russia and Iran who are attacking us and distancing ourselves from Israel - which we want as an ally,' says Alexey Aristovich

PM labels resolution 'prize for terrorist organizations,' defense minister says request 'disconnected from reality'; move awaits approval by General Assembly, likely next month

Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky says move 'disappointing,' warns that support for 'anti-Israel initiatives' will not help 'build trust' between countries

By large majority, representatives vote for ICJ to issue 'advisory opinion'; Israel says measure's 'only purpose is to demonize,' blasts it for ignoring Jewish ties to Temple Mount

United Nations weather agency says in its annual report that sea level rise over the past decade was double what it was in the 1990s

Washington says it will work with other countries to oust Tehran from Commission on the Status of Women, citing its rights abuses against women and girls and protest crackdown

Surge in deaths comes as military presses on with widespread arrest operations following series of terror attacks in Israel
