Bloc says working with international partners to get 'the broadest international support possible' for proposed UN tribunal

Ukrainian president says still waiting on promised systems from US, Germany; European Commission president says Ukraine, Moldova 'on track' to join EU

Biden eulogizes ex-Soviet leader, who ensured 'greater freedom for millions'; Johnson says 'his commitment to opening up Soviet society remains an example amid Putin's aggression

'Ukrainians are ready to die for the European perspective,' European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says, but stops short of initiating fast-track accession process

Agreement will help European bloc reduce Russian energy dependence; Israel to send fuel to Egypt, which will liquify it for shipping; MOU built with nod to zero emissions targets

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur makes a bold prediction on coalition's collapse; Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman on whether Ra'am actually helped Arab Israelis

Reports say European president Ursula von der Leyen threatened to boycott meeting unless issue was resolved; PM's office says journalists refused normal security screening

Following holdup over removing incitement from textbooks, Ursula von der Leyen tells PA prime minister that she is ‘glad that the EU funds for 2021 can now be disbursed rapidly’

Ursula Von der Leyen hails friendship with Jerusalem, says East Med gas pipeline an investment in both Europe's and Israel's energy security

European Commission votes to send over $200 million to PA; unclear if funds sent on condition alleged incitement be removed from curricula
