Some $6 billion released under accord represent funds owed by South Korea for oil; two Iranian prisoners held in US for illegally obtaining military and lab equipment also released

Nasser Kanaani reports exchange of five prisoners from each side will take place later Monday; US officials don't acknowledge remarks

Move harkens back to 1981 exchange of cash for Americans held at Tehran embassy; simmering tensions between nations ratchet up consequences should contacts fail

Justice Department charges cargo being sold by IRGC to China, violating sanctions; says is 1st successful disruption of major crude shipment by Corps using US criminal law

Neither the ship's origins nor the date of the operation are immediately disclosed by Iranian navy

Iranian president says Tehran still pushing for sanctions to be lifted but vows not to 'tie the country's economy to the wishes' of the West

Tehran objects to takeover of Suez Rajan as 'completely unproductive' as countries try to work toward exchange of American prisoners for release of frozen Iranian assets

The 1953 ouster of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh to cement the rule of the Shah still haunts the country and its Islamist rulers

Shahab Dalili, a US permanent resident, is held inside Tehran's notorious Evin Prison as his son, Darian Dalili, holds a protest in Washington over his exclusion from prisoner deal

Tamir Hayman, head of INSS, suggests not underestimating 'old fox' in White House, says Iran prisoner swap is significant campaign boost, Israelis should look beyond own interests
