92-year-old media magnate, whose 24-hour news network converted the power and energy of political talk radio to television, hands reins to son Lachlan

In a new book, scholar Rafael Medoff shows how outlets downplayed news of the genocide until late 1943, as FDR's government and even Jewish leaders felt little pressure to act

Some suggest the news agency bowed to a political pressure campaign by US conservative media

Dubbed the 'voice of American conservatism,' right-wing media personality shaped national political conversation for a generation with distinctive brand of bombast and provocation

Jacob Blake Sr. refers to 'Jewish controlled media' and expresses support for Louis Farrakhan

'No point in trying to claim that covering this presidential campaign will be easy,' editor-in-chief admits to staffers, as he outlines new rules

US president praises his loyal but controversial White House press secretary as a 'warrior, a friend, a great, magnificent person'; no replacement named