Violent, pro-Trump mob brings knee-jerk recall of historic anti-Semitism; rabbis send soothing prayers while also doing some soul searching about long-term stability in the US

Federal officials say Imaad Zuberi, who was close with top Democrats and Republicans, repeatedly lied and broke campaign financing laws to serve his own -- and others' -- interests

Amid a polarized atmosphere that security specialists call 'primed for unrest,' officials are keeping an ear to the ground due to online chatter on both the far-right and far-left

Movements' leadership fear for future of American Jewry in a country where anti-Semitism is politicized

The two political poles in American life don’t speak to each other, don’t live near each other, and rarely interact

Community has come out strongly for Trump due to his stances on Israel, school vouchers, religious freedom

Quiet supporters of the divisive president say they still lean leftward on social issues, but agree with his handling of Israel, Iran, and anti-Semitism from the new left

As community unites in support of president 10 days before election, former assemblyman Dov Hikind threatens to walk out in disgust; rabbi claims virus is anti-religious conspiracy

Mobilizing legal teams to report voter suppression, educating voters and helping people get signed up, the organizations say they are united in fighting minority disenfranchisement

In a Monday night debate, the Senate majority leader asked if Americans really want a New Yorker 'setting the agenda.' Critics point out that Trump was born and raised in Queens
