Dig sparked by claims of French Resistance veteran Edmond Reveil, who has said that 46 Nazi prisoners of war were shot dead in a wooded hillside in 1944

Anna Winger's series is based on Varian Fry's real-life rescue of thousands of European artists and intellectuals; critics warn of historical inaccuracies caused by dramatization

Manhattan borough president says leadership of French Vichy regime, which helped deport tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps, 'embody the worst of humanity'

Between November 1942 to May 1943, the SS imprisoned 5,000 Jewish men in roughly 40 forced labor and detention camps on the front lines and in cities like Tunis

Over 2 days in 1942, police herded 13,152 people, including 4,115 children, into the Winter Velodrome of Paris before they were sent on to Nazi camps; very few survived

Motion authorizes public museums holding works, including Musee d'Orsay in Paris, to hand over property to heirs of original owners

Justus Rosenberg, a professor whose long career teaching literature was preceded by a remarkable tenure in the French resistance during the Holocaust, died aged 100 last month

Eric Zemmour, 'Trump-like' TV personality with repeated hate speech convictions, is finding fervent audiences for his anti-Islam invective and distortion of France's WWII Nazi ties

Justices say that while community did face antisemitism from the French regime during WWII, it does not meet the conditions set out in Israel's Nazi persecution law

Veterans minister and Paris mayor pay respects to more than 13,000 victims of 1942 Vel d'Hiv roundup by Nazi-allied Vichy government
