Composed & Performed By: Joey Newcomb
Music Produced & Arranged By: Doni Gross
An ArtScroll Production
Dedicated by: Jonah and Jo Bruck
Additional Lyrics By: Yisroel Besser, Aryeh Kunsler
Recorded At: DeG Studios, NYC
A Crunch Time Media Production
Production assistants Ezra and Pinchos Eliyahu
Rabbi Dovid Trenk did it differently.
He had so many tools- laughter and song, passion and power, expectation and hope- but what tied them all together was love: love for the talmid and love for the Torah he was teaching.

How a Black Congresswoman and the Lubavitcher Rebbe Created the Food Stamps Program
Dedicated by Shidrokh Movtady, in honor of Matthew Issac ben Chana Sarah The Chabad centers of Florida’s Gulf Coast joined together to honor the 26th yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
On Tuesday, 24 Sivan, 5780, June 16, 2020,  Rabbi YY Jacobson presents this lecture on zoom to hundreds of Jews of the Gulf coast on the topic of cultivating a life of happiness, positivity and optimism.

The lyrics describe the holiness of Shabbos which resides within every Jew and the tranquility that envelops the soul on the day of rest, adding a tangible dimension to the Shabbos sanctity.
As Shabbos approaches, all Jews put aside their weekday occupations to prepare for her arrival , Motti and the Neshama choir went shopping in Osher Ad to purchase the finest delicacies in honor of Shabbos Kodesh.
Friday toward sunset, especially during a pandemic, the words ואפיק ית עמך מגוי גלותא take on new meaning, beginning with Kabbalas Shabbos echoing from the ancient stones of the Kotel , until the finale of the zemiros at a table befitting the Shabbos queen.

Filmed and recorded at: Samson Studios Gardena, Ca.

When you hear the name Strumz you automatically think creative thoughts, and when you add some “Beri” to it, the word “creative” becomes an understatement.
Therefore when Chaim the Strumz band leader approached Beri about creating this video it was a no-brainer and he jumped right on. The best way to enjoy the superb results is if you watch this clip with a good pair of headphones or speakers and of course, if you loved it (which you will) share it with your friends so that they can love and share it too.
Filmed at the Glick Bar Mitzvah in Renaissance Hall in BP. A Breadberry Event.
Song composed & originally recorded by: Beri Weber on Thank You Hashem album
Guest lead vocals: Beri Weber
