Ola Sergatchov, VP Corporate Strategy, Guardicore speaking at ILTV studio about integrating ultra-Orthodox women into high-tech.

Time to get into the emotional chupah spirit!
Zemer Orchestra and Simcha Jacoby are proud to present this beautiful video from a live chupah at the Embassy Grand in Toronto. The video highlights two stirring songs from that event – Oidcha and Sharei D’maos.
Both songs are a special tefilah that together encompass the range of emotions that we feel during a chupah. Oidcha is a song of thanks and gratitude to Hashem. Sharei D’maos is a heartfelt bakasha to Hashem to accept our tears with mercy.
Sit back and enjoy the surreal chupa experience!
Experience it live! Zemer Orchestra (Toronto) 416-473-5202 chayim@zemer.ca

For more information please visit: https://www.ashertotheyatzar.com/

If you were ever looking for the one of a kind music video with a 2nd dance collection that will fill you with joy and happiness like never before, then you found it just by clicking to watch this one!
Join ‘Hershy Posner’ as he launches his new band called “HD Productions” and brings you an epic array of contemporary Jewish Music hits that lifts your soul and makes you “Feel the Energy”!
To offer you the best in Jewish Music, Hershy collaborated with R’ Shloime Taussig that has a countless amount of energy to do the lead vocals and added up the ‘Lev Choir’ to do the backup vocals, with such talent involved in a release, I ensure you a musical performance you’ve never experienced before!
