I am immensely proud to share this album with you. I have poured my heart and soul into these songs and I hope it comes through. Two of the songs are my own compositions; Yehi Ratzon, and Lord Hear My Prayer. The other eight are covers of popular kumzitz songs that I love to sing at the events that I perform at.
I’d like to thank Doni Gross for making this album exactly how I envisioned it; simple and elegant, and at times touching, and raw. Doni knew exactly how to shape the music to my preferences.
Thank you Shani Levin for your amazing artwork, your professional graphics have completed the album.

Dudi Kalish Sings Meir Martin Widerker – Corona
In the midst of the days of Corona, the composer Meir Martin Widerker feels obligated to create a new song to give strength and inspiration to Klal Yisroel – especially the Yiddish speakers – during these troubled days of Corona which has brought major changes in everyone’s lives. To this purpose Meir Martin wrote a very special song in Yiddish.
Meir Martin is a well-known composer who has previously co-authored projects with great Chasidish singers to produce his well known & exciting melodies.

The Maccabeats sing Achat Uletamid, originally performed by Ishay Ribo.
Like much of the Israeli public, we fell in love with Ishay Ribo’s soulful lyrics and moving performances the first time we heard them. This is our first time covering his innovative music, and it certainly won’t be our last.
One more thing: in order to share as much of our music as we can, we’ve started a new series of one-minute performances, or “Maccabeats Minutes.” Leave a comment letting us know what you’d like to hear next!
This and all Maccabeats music is recorded a cappella.

Composed by Rabi #BenzionKlatzko
Performed by The Klatzko Family
Arranged by Yisroel Ament
Produced by Benzion Klatzko
A Shabbat.com Production
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/6aOD7…
Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/music/a…
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08…
הולחנה על ידי משפחת קלצקו
מבוצע על ידי הרב בן ציון קלצקו
מאורגן על ידי ישראל אמנט
הופק על ידי הרב בן ציון קלצקו
הפקת סרטון על ידי הרב בן ציון קלצקו
הפקת Shabbat.com

Join Radio host, MC and music maven Yossi Zweig as he drives around with superstar Lenny Solomon, the man behind Shlock Rock and many more original songs discussing his 40+ year career in Jewish music. Follow them as they go down memory lane with some classic hits from Shlock Rock, Lenny’s original songs, and some great history about how Shlock Rock and some of their mega hits were written.
Filmed by: Z Entertainment
Edited by: GV Studios
Sponsored by: Gershon Veroba’s G Major Events & Music
GMajorEvents.com – 516-400-9763 – @gmajorevents
For more about Shlock Rock and to purchase their music visit: www.shlockrock.com

Two Chasidic chazzonim sang the national anthem of the United States outside a hospital in New York City on Tuesday in honor of frontline medical workers combating COVID-19.
Cantors Yaakov Lemmer and Aron Gerstel stood on the latter’s car as they belted out “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the entrance to NYU Langone’s Ronald O. Perelman Center for Emergency Services.
Footage of the singing posted on Twitter shows New York City Fire Department firefighters and other first responders cheering on the chazonim when they finish the tune.
The Algemeiner   (c) 2019        .        Shiryn Ghermezian

Chazzan Itche Meir Helfgott sings “Habeit Meeshomayim” at the “Eitz Hagan” Dinner for the Mesivta Eitz Chaim of Bobov.
This dinner took place on Sunday March 15th. Chazzan Itche Meir Helfgott sang together with Shimmy Miller’s Cantorial choir, and Cantor Danny Gildar on the Keyboard.

Meron Vibes: Exciting Debut Single Released by Moishe Eisenberg and Ahrele Samet.
Moishe Eisenberg has been working for years for this moment. A velvety voiced singer with a chassidishe bren, he has been singing at chasunas for years, after being among the elite singers of the Shira Choir, while moonlighting on other singers’ albums.
Now, just in time for Lag Baomer, Eisenberg has released his debut single. Based on the holy Bais Aharon’s short but powerful portrayal of Klal Yisroel’s tight embrace of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, the song’s tempo transports you from your living room to the blue arched ancient structures of vintage Meron.
