The chasidus Kretshnef Yerushelaim was established by the Rebbe Z”YA in Kfar Atah in year 5708 to leave behind and in memory of his his father and grandfathers that were killed on Kiddush Hashem in the Holocaust.
The Rebbe was known across the world to be able to Poel Yeshios, and people from all over streamed to get his sage advice on all types of matters, and receive a Broche.

Listen with earphones or speakers to enjoy the full sound.
We know it’s been a while since our last video, but the wait is finally over. Enjoy this stunning video that was recorded live at the Gluck Bar Mitzvah in Renaissance Hall on December 31, 2018
Originally Recorded by: Shmueli Ungar
Acoustic Guitar & Lead Vocal: Chaim Brown
Electric Guitar & Backup Vocal 1: Efrayim Berger
Bass Guitar & Backup Vocal 2: Avrumi Rosenfeld
Flute: Meyer Rosenbaum
Cajon: Chemi Rosenfeld
Filmed by: Motty Engel 917-627-3275
Edited by: BenHesh Studios 347-743-2206
Live sound & engineering by: Stellar Productions 718-278-2787
Mixed by: Avrumi Berko 347-645-6631

The Shalheves Boys Vhoir performs for 3000 women volunteers from the Ezer Mizion orgonization from all over the country on a day of prayer in Haifa, on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

Who doesn’t love nostalgia?
Music aficionados will appreciate these Hartzig masterpieces.
Presenting, some amazing Yossi Green classics, performed by the incomparable Avraham Fried.
These three featured songs are from Avremel’s repertoire spanning a decade from the early years of his career (1983-1993).
He is accompanied by an astounding 40 piece Yochi Briskman Orchestra to help bring these songs to life,
conducted by Yochi
with arrangements by Yanky Briskman.
Lending their vocal support, are the Zemiros Choir, led by the talented Yoily Polatseck with sophisticated harmonies and vocal accompaniment.
Recorded live at the Klein/Lieberman wedding – March 24, 2019 @ Ateres Avraham, Brooklyn, NY.
