We are very excited to bring you another amazing Sababa single just in time for Lag Ba’Omer! This one of a kind song is called B’yad Hayotzer featuring the dynamic duo of Shloime & Yanky Daskal. When listening to B’yad Hayotzer, you will feel inspired and the passion that is expressed throughout. This song was composed by Yanky Daskal and arranged Mendy Hershkowitz, the Musical Director of the Sababa Band. Sit back & enjoy the hartzig voices of the talented Daskal brothers.
Sponsored by
R’ Yitzchak Stark
R’ Moshe Schwartz
R’ Yoel Sterngold
To strengthen the broken hearts among Klal Yisroel, with Emunah & Bitachon, and to know that everything is in the hands of Hashem, and a Refuah can happen in the blink of an eye.

Hakol Mishamayim (Official Music Video)
Single by Mordechai Shapiro
Produced by
Mordechai Shapiro
& Shimmy Socol
Hakol mishamayim is a message for all of us to remember and internalize every moment of our lives. Although it may be hard to see or understand sometimes, we must not forget that Hashem loves us unconditionally, He runs the world, and He has our back always, no matter what…
Hakol Mishamayim
Produced by Yitzy Waldner

In honor of the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos when Moshe Rabeinu gave us the Torah, Shmaya Fischer presents the magnificent song “Tzadikim”, a beautiful melody that has never been recorded live. Shmaya is a rising star in the Chassidishe music scene. Many of you have been hearing about his incredible voice. Shmaya is blessed with vocals that are powerful, yet hartzig and sweet at the same time. After watching this incredible performance, it will be clear that he is living up to all of the hype. The amazing Sababa Band executed the song to perfection, along with the sweet harmonies of the Shira Choir.
