With preparations for the upcoming Siyum HaShas on January 1, 2019 at MetLife Stadium well underway, we take a moment to mark the yahrtzeit today of Rabbi Moshe Sherer zt”l, legendary leader of Agudas Yisroel.
Rabbi Sherer was one of the visionaries who foresaw the growth of Daf Yomi and the Siyum HaShas, believing back in the 1980s that a larger venue would be needed for this once-in-seven-and-a-half-years event.
“More than a celebration,” Rabbi Sherer proclaimed at the Siyum HaShas almost four decades ago, “it is a powerful demonstration of the nitzchiyus of Torah, of netzach Yisroel lo yeshaker.”
The explosion of Daf Yomi is credit, in large part, to Rabbi Sherer, who saw the potential and growth of the program.

Hatzalah introduced a new project this week called the Hatzalah Aviation Division.
The HatzolAir is an airplane dedicated to airlifting patients of Hatzalah to hospitals and will be used in situations where the patient isn’t in a condition to be transferred any other way.
The service is opening up in New York with plans to add more planes and locations in the near future.
