Misty weather obscures visibility, slowing traffic, and is expected to recur the next few nights

Head of world body urges countries to end 'war on nature' and cut carbon emissions in 2021, as year of record-breaking extreme weather nears end

South will be hot and dry, with center and north also unlikely to be rainy, in line with broader climate change trends, says IDC's Yoav Yair

Hot days are getting hotter, sweltering nights are no longer rare and heat spells are lasting longer. Figures for Jerusalem, Israel and the region point to a scalding trend

High of 42º C (107º F) notched in capital Thursday afternoon, marking highest-ever temperature since record keeping began in 1942; Friday may be hotter

Storm, with a wall of wind reaching around 100 mph, causes widespread damage and leaves hundreds of thousands without power from Nebraska to Illinois

As the Mediterranean region warms 20% faster than the global average, an ambitious government roadmap with 31 action points to help Israel adapt remains without funding

Researchers at Harvard, MIT and other institutions examine almost 4,000 places worldwide; find that heat, humidity are associated with lower infection rate

Rain drenches whole country, with record-breaking number of lightning strikes; Water Authority says it's first time in over 30 years that back-to-back winters have been so rainy

Multiple tornadoes spotted, thousands lose power and 300 homes damaged in neighboring Louisiana
