Hebrew U takes 77th spot in Shanghai Ranking, its best score in years, coming in 17th in math and communication; Technion and Weizmann Institute climb to a shared 83rd spot

In peer-reviewed study, Weizmann researchers tout ‘silver bullet’ approach promising pinpointed suppression of disease-causing microbes in Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis patients

In breakthrough peer-reviewed study, embryos are grown from stem cells; scientists say method may one day be used to ethically grow cells for replacement human organs

Research by Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science finds that in making friends, people often 'click' with those who smell similar, before establishing other common interests

Using advanced AI tech, Weizmann Institute team reveals some of the oldest use of controlled fire, says research could open window into lives of early humans

Researchers say they've identified previously unknown mechanism of drug's lasting mood-boosting effects

Weizmann Institute of Science examination of recent Southern Hemisphere storms finds 'considerable intensification' that are heating poles and threatening communities

Newly-discovered variation cuts incidence of illness made famous by Ice Bucket Challenge; Weizmann team now working to mimic effect in patients to reduce symptoms

The research has been snapped up by pharmaceutical giant Teva, and according to the lead author could mean an ‘arsenal of new drugs’

Team at Weizmann Institute unveils five-qubit machine, one of about 30 such devices in the world
