Immunotherapy needs peptides to work, but if a patient has too few, anti-cancer drugs will fall short; discovery of new type by Weizmann Institute-led team could solve problem
In an environmental 'wake-up call,' scientists say mankind’s impact on planet so huge that our creations weigh more than ‘living biomass,’ and plastic weighs more than all animals
Weizmann Institute team says it has created a molecular 'smell map' that can be used to recreate almost any scent on earth, potentially sending what you sniff around the globe
ImmunoBrain Checkpoint's antibody that boosts immune cells' communication with brain seen effective in lab animals; clinical trials in humans to start next year
Weizmann Institute findings based on AI analysis of flint from Qesem Cave, using tool-making re-enactment, hi-tech Raman spectroscopy, and machine learning
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