Briefing reporters after White House released peace proposal, PM hails 'a revolutionary change from previous peace proposals'

Blue and White backs US peace plan but says Netanyahu cannot be one to carry it out as a caretaker PM under indictment

David Friedman gives Jerusalem green light to extend Israeli law to West Bank, says he hopes Palestinians eventually come around to 'claim their prize'

PM promises to ‘preserve the possibility for peace,‘ but adds US has okayed moving ahead with annexation of areas that plan says would remain in Israeli control

Administration said hoping for Arab support for its peace proposal, fears one-sided action by Jerusalem will rule out such backing

Visiting Jordan Valley, Aryeh Deri lauds Netanyahu's 'vital and historic mission' ahead of unveiling of Trump peace plan; agencies won't confirm if administrative legwork underway

US official tells Reuters that proposal won't be released ahead of US president's meetings with Gantz and Netanyahu to ensure he has their support before details announced

Defense minister says his Yamina party will 'emphatically' reject a Palestinian state, calls for government to apply sovereignty over settlements next week

Latest unsourced Israeli media reports say plan includes freeze on settlement growth and tunnel connecting Gaza and the West Bank, some 30% of which would be annexed by Israel

The Deal of the Century will give Israel a green light to annex parts of the West Bank, and no Israeli leader can allow himself to be seen as less pro-Israel than the White House
